Ralph van den Berge

I'm Ralph. I became obsessed with the sport since I was 12. I took lessons at Natural High, and became kitesurf instructor one year later. From day one I wanted to learn tricks and jump as high as possible. PLKB organized a test day at Slufter Beach in 2015. I was stoked about the PLKB gear and felt the escape could help me improve my freestyle and big air skills. After my session I got in touch with the crew, planned a meeting at the office in the Hague and became team rider as well as intern.

Name Ralph van den Berge
Age 28
Height 173
Weight 68 kg
Disciplines Freestyle, Bigair, Megaloop


I ride with PLKB gear for several reasons. After riding Slingshot Fuel/RPM/Rally, F-one Bandit, Ocean Rodeo Rise and several other kites, the PLKB escape is just my favorite so far. The kite helps me to improve both freestyle and big air skills, which has my focus. The Escape in combination with the PLKB Capital allows you to use your full potential and enjoy the amazing sport at its best PLKB is a Dutch company which delivers great service and quality. It's great to kite and share the stoke with fellow team members. I like their vision and mission and appreciate their involvement in the team and commitment in the brand.

My gear


Favorite spot